
Stammerin wif werds spillin my mouth,vocabulary diminishin in my mind/cant say it out loud but i like to take back wads mine/my heart's aint opein'/bullshit things happen in my life ain't leavin'/wad can i do to make these go away/my life has gone awry/my mind's gone array/my heart's startin to expitiate/i cannot take dis anymore of dis shit/i want to run away, far away from here/but nowhere to go and its the outside world i fear/may God bless me...
Bro dear,To look at the bright side/and open your heart wide/build up the courage for you heart to fight/like releasin anger through the wall caging me/crushin the brick walls releasin you free/open yourself wif the outside world/alotta things you're seein dat you're not quite sure/its rewardin to set your eyes onto the little things, unnoticed/learn to be bold and strong/bow down to the Sun as if its a prayin priest/wonderful it may seemed but it has all gone wrong/lost again in the busy throngs/comin back to reality, im the shithead here...I'm sorry...
This song is dedicated to my bro, Hao...remember i wrote diz song in tutorial room...the day you broke down and when everything in your world iz just isnt rite. the day you think people were lookin down at you and ignored you..hell, bro..u dun know how much people cared about you. the best thing in the world that has happened to me is knowin you as my sorry whatever i did to you to make you so small and weak inside..its not meant to're a great guy and i know you dun deserve you loads bro and miss you ALOT!!

mizzhaily just boggied @ 9:37 PM, Thursday, May 25, 2006


You're deluding yourself, stupid.Nothing you do is important.

DOB: When the world starts crumblin' down, thats the day i am born
School: School can just kiss my big dirty smelly ass
Location: Where supreme beings live

mic wreckers


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