27 Dec 2004 - Allah is warning us

the signs of anger from the One above/showin his emotions to the country we loathe/diminishin his own creations/relievin the heartened soul of the pure innocence/lives claimed by the turbulent violence/destroyin all our family and the inventions/maybe all diz has come with an intention/Aceh, Penang, Indonesia, Mauritius, Maldives/Islamic countries affected by the waves/buildings destroyed but Muslim mosques still standin strong among the caved,the people dat we lost, we raved/the people we hate are saved/the bond binded are paved/wad is He tryin to tell us diz timeis it the end of the world, its revined/tryna warn us for the sins for us to unwind/to dutifully follow his ways, he assigned/let's all get ourselves together and rewind/enjoyin, partyin and livin aint matter to us no more/coz we're leavin this world, wad are u waitin for?/its time for us to reflect and find the ways to forgive the things we corrupted b4/ignorance aint bliss the good are dead/do you get this into your thick head?/u dun noe wads your Fate/do something good and go to the sufferers' aid/Please dun go to your defenses/dun try to give busy excuses/give it up and come to your senses/its time for u to give up 5 minutes of your time to complete the 5 sessions/its compulsory/its a must, not an advisory/do it in the name of Allah/in His honorary/im startin my life, Islamic way/come join me now, wad do u say?/im correctin my ways and so shud you..Start a new day, my new life with "Bismillah,"

this rhyme is for the Muslims. no intentions intended in this rhyme. comemorate world peace people. help each other regardless of race or religion.

mizzhaily just boggied @ 10:44 PM, Tuesday, May 30, 2006


You're deluding yourself, stupid.Nothing you do is important.

DOB: When the world starts crumblin' down, thats the day i am born
School: School can just kiss my big dirty smelly ass
Location: Where supreme beings live

mic wreckers


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